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Software Development Centre in association with Elite Software Pvt. Limited

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, Kolhapur recently launched Software Development Centre in association with Website Hosting Company Elite Software Pvt. Limited, Pune.

This website design and hosting training program got immense response from Computer Science and Electronics & Telecommunication engineering student. Elite software CEO Mr. Swami Panajla says “this center will support small and medium size industries for their website development and hosting at very low cost”

In this software development center third year and final year students will work on live website design projects and they will get industrial exposure to software development life cycle.

As part of launching of this software development center ESPL have conducted campus drive and 30 students have been selected as website design engineer. Launching ceremony of this center has done by Principal Dr.Vijay Ghorpade and Elite software Mr. Swami Panajla.

Regional director Dr. H. M. Kadam congratulated campus selected students and placement cell for their efforts.

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