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DTE Institute Code: 6288

First Year / General Engineering



The intake capacity for first year is 330 students. This department consists of 10 well equipped laboratories and highly qualified, experienced teaching faculty. The department focuses on the overall development of students including fundamental understanding of basic principles and dimensions through theory and practice, personality development, communication skills, soft skills, etiquette and manners etc. Parental affection and care is provided to all the students by faculty members. Student counseling sessions are arranged so as to build confidence and approach for engineering in first year students. The department is motivated to achieve excellence in academics.


To produce competent Engineers having solid foundation in the fundamentals of science, coupled with ethics and human value to progress consistently in their profession.


  • To provide quality education in applied sciences and humanities.
  • To create socially responsible students by instilling moral ethics.



S.No. Name of classroom CLASS Area in Sq.M.
1 Department Office ---- 10
2 Lecture Hall-01 ---- 86
3 Lecture Hall-02 ---- 86
4 Lecture Hall-03 ---- 83
5 Lecture Hall-04 ---- 83
6 Drawing Hall ---- 132
7 Tutorial Room ---- 33



Sr. No. Name of Laboratory Area in Sq. Mtr. Cost in Rs.
1Engineering Chemistry 681,63,655/-
2Engineering Physics 695,77,155/-
3Basic Electrical Engineering 1142,93,264/-
4Language Laboratory 6810,12,756/-

Curriculum Activities

Sr. No.Date Event/Program Resource Person/Chief Guest/Chairperson Responsible person/ Co-ordinator Duration
116/11/ to 22/11/2022Students’ Induction and Freshers’ Welcome FunctionDr. V. R. Ghorpade Principal, Dr. Gopal Airony and Heartfulness TeamDr. K.S. Joshi   One Week
28/07/2023Parent MeetDr. V. R. Ghorpade PrincipalMr. A .S. Patil1 Day
311/02/2023Parent MeetDr. V. R. Ghorpade PrincipalMr. A .S. Patil   
428/02/2023Techno Science Expo    Dr. V. R. Ghorpade PrincipalMrs. S.S. Shinde  1 Day
53/05/2023 Workshop on “Har Ghar DhyanDr. Anima Dhahibate  Art of Living, Senior TeacherMrs. S.S. Shinde  1 Day
6.28/02/2023 Celebration of ‘National Science Day’Dr. V. R. Ghorpade PrincipalMrs. S.S. Shinde Dr. K.S. Joshi1 Day

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